The story began 50 years ago in 1969 with the establishment of a Chambers Fleming franchise in the heart of Canterbury-Bankstown. It was here that a young Jim Ronis began a thriving real estate career and earned himself a solid reputation based on trust, respect and hard work.
Over the years Jim has become acquainted with all areas of real estate however, his exuberant personality made him an effective salesperson and a gifted auctioneer. Jim has held records at auction for achieving the highest price in Bankstown at that time as well as having referrals of satisfied customers that continue to grow as each year progresses.
As a result, Jim not only went on to buy the business, he also went one step further to transform the office from a franchise to an independent agency. This would allow him to specifically tailor to the needs of his clients with his ideology of quality service and high standards.
Today, Ronis Real Estate holds a dominant market share in the Cantebrury – Bankstown area where it is based and its success has been recognised in the local community.
We are proud of our achievements and welcome you to take the opportunity to use our services.